

With us you do not buy fakes


In times of online trading and international production, the topic of counterfeiting or fakes is becoming more and more important.

If, for example, customers are looking for a sought-after branded product, it is not uncommon for counterfeiters to direct them to specially furnished shops in order to sell their counterfeit goods. Counterfeits or fakes can be found here in many variants and, in particular, premium brands such as NIKE, ADIDAS, LEVI'S, PIERRE CARDIN and UGG are naturally most frequently affected.

It is therefore not surprising that, especially in the outlet area, customers are quickly insecure, whether they get for the low price and original goods. It therefore always applies to known and trusted seals such as. Pay attention to "Trusted Shops" or "Google Certified Merchant". Furthermore, verified customer reviews, a valid imprint and the offer of secure payment methods are a good guide for the customer.

That's easy with Outlet46!

Our customers can be sure to receive only original products from their respective manufacturers. We check our products for authenticity and thus avoid the sale of counterfeits and the resulting damage to our customers.

In addition to the guarantee of original products, we offer you through the dealer federation tested shop with over one million customers, secure purchase and protection of customer data through SSL encryption, payment methods with buyer protection (even the purchase on account) and free flash shipping via DHL.


If Outlet46 offers only original goods and strictly distances itself from counterfeiting, how can we get it at our bargain prices? Quite simply, we optimize our processes and buy the goods on hard-negotiated terms and in large quantities. Here we proceed according to the principle "cut the middleman" and obtain original products directly from the manufacturer. Thus, we can offer original goods at reasonable prices for our customers and do not have to sacrifice quality.

Basically, however, if you are not satisfied with a product, contact us! Optimal service and customer satisfaction are our top priority.

This is what Outlet46 stands for by its name!

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