Payment & Shipping
Payment & Shipping
Information about the payment methods
For deliveries within Germany you have the following payment options:
- Payment via PayPal
- Payment via PayPal Plus (Credit Card)
For deliveries abroad you have the following payment options:
- Payment via PayPal
- Payment via PayPal Plus (Credit Card)
If you choose PayPal in the shopping cart and go to checkout, then you can directly trigger the payment from your PayPal account (which you need for the payment method). Billing and shipping address will be sent directly from PayPal to us. Accordingly, payment via PayPal is quick and easy. As payment confirmation you will receive an e-mail. Upon successful payment, the goods will be released immediately for shipping.
Information about shipping
The following conditions apply:
For deliveries within Germany, at 32, - $ you have no shipping costs!
Shipping policy
The delivery of the goods takes place worldwide.
Deliveries abroad:
We calculate the shipping costs abroad as follows: see table below
All international shipments will be sent with the "Service Premium".
DHL Paket International with Service Premium is preferred and always transported by the fastest route. Your package always takes the next possible flight or truck in the direction of the destination destination and is also given priority in the destination country.
delivery times
Insofar as no other deadline is specified in the respective offer, the delivery of the goods in Germany (Germany) within 1 - 4 value days, for foreign deliveries within 3 - 20 days after conclusion of the contract (with agreed advance payment after the time of your money order). Please note that on Sundays and public holidays delivery is not possible. If you have ordered articles with different delivery times, we will ship the goods in a common shipment, unless we have made any deviating agreements with you. The delivery time is determined in this case after the article with the longest delivery time you have ordered.
Countries Price Zone
AT, BE, NL, LU - 5,99 € incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 15,99€ incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Österreich | EU | 1 |
Belgien | EU | 1 |
Niederlande | EU | 1 |
Luxemburg | EU | 1 |
UK, FR, ES, IT - 7,99 € incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 17,99€ incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Großbritannien | 2 | |
Frankreich | EU | 1 |
Spanien | 2 | |
Italien | 2 | |
CH - 13,44 € excl. 19% VAT.(Value of goods 29€) | 21,84€ excl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Schweiz – Für Lieferungen in die Schweiz empfehlen wir, den Service von zu nutzen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. | NON-EU | 1 |
US, AU - 36,13 € excl. VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 44,53€ excl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€ | |
country | additive | Zone |
USA | 5 | |
Australien | 6 | |
Zone 1 EU - 9,99 € incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 19,99€ incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Dänemark | EU | 1 |
Moncao | EU | 1 |
Polen | EU | 1 |
Tschech. Rep | EU | 1 |
Zone 1 NON-EU - 10,92 € excl. VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 19,32€ excl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Liechtenstein | NON-EU | 1 |
Zone 2 - 13,99 € incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 23,99€ incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Andorra | 2 | |
San Marino | 2 | |
Schweden | 2 | |
Slowakei | 2 | |
Slowenien | 2 | |
Ungarn | 2 | |
Vatikanstadt | 2 | |
Zone 3 EU - 10,99 € incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 20,99€ incl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Bulgarien | EU | 3 |
Estland | EU | 3 |
Finnland | EU | 3 |
Griechenland | EU | 3 |
Irland | EU | 3 |
Kroatien | EU | 3 |
Lettland | EU | 3 |
Litauen | EU | 3 |
Malta | EU | 3 |
Portugal | EU | 3 |
Rumänien | EU | 3 |
Zypern | EU | 3 |
Zone 3 NON-EU - 10,92 € excl. VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 19,32€ excl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€ | |
country | additive | Zone |
Albanien | NON-EU | 3 |
Bosnien-Herzeg. | NON-EU | 3 |
Island | NON-EU | 3 |
Mazedonien | NON-EU | 3 |
Moldau, Rep. | NON-EU | 3 |
Montenegro | NON-EU | 3 |
Norwegen | NON-EU | 3 |
Serbien | NON-EU | 3 |
Ukraine | NON-EU | 3 |
Weißrussland | NON-EU | 3 |
Zone 4 - 36,13 € excl. VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 44,53€ excl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Ägypten | 4 | |
Algerien | 4 | |
Georgien | 4 | |
Israel | 4 | |
Libanon | 4 | |
Libyen | 4 | |
Marokko | 4 | |
Russische Föd. | 4 | |
Syrien | 4 | |
Tunesien | 4 | |
Türkei | 4 | |
Zone 5 - 31,08 € excl. VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 39,49€ excl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Afghanistan | 5 | |
Armenien | 5 | |
Aserbaidschan | 5 | |
Bahrain | 5 | |
Bangladesch | 5 | |
Bhutan | 5 | |
Brunei | 5 | |
China, VR | 5 | |
Indien | 5 | |
Indonesien | 5 | |
Irak | 5 | |
Iran | 5 | |
Japan | 5 | |
Jordanien | 5 | |
Kamdoscha | 5 | |
Kanada | 5 | |
Kasachstan | 5 | |
Katar | 5 | |
Kirgistan | 5 | |
Kuwait | 5 | |
Laos | 5 | |
Malaysia | 5 | |
Malediven | 5 | |
Mexiko | 5 | |
Mongolei | 5 | |
Nepal | 5 | |
Nordkorea | 5 | |
Oman | 5 | |
Ost Timor | 5 | |
Papua-Neuginea | 5 | |
Philippinen | 5 | |
Saudi-Arabien | 5 | |
Singapur | 5 | |
Sri Lanka | 5 | |
Südkorea | 5 | |
Tadschikistan | 5 | |
Taiwan, China | 5 | |
Thailand | 5 | |
Turkmenistan | 5 | |
Usbekistan | 5 | |
Ver.Arab.Emirat | 5 | |
Vietnam | 5 | |
Zone 6 - 36,97 € excl. VAT. (Value of goods 29€) | 45,37€ excl. 19% VAT. (Value of goods under 29€) | |
country | additive | Zone |
Angola | 6 | |
Antigua,Barbuda | 6 | |
Äquatorialguine | 6 | |
Argentinien | 6 | |
Äthiopien | 6 | |
Bahamas | 6 | |
Barbados | 6 | |
Belize | 6 | |
Benin | 6 | |
Bolivien | 6 | |
Botsuana | 6 | |
Brasilien | 6 | |
Burkina Faso | 6 | |
Burundi | 6 | |
Chile | 6 | |
Costa Rica | 6 | |
Dem. Rep. Kongo. | 6 | |
Dominica | 6 | |
Dominik. Rep. | 6 | |
Dschibuti | 6 | |
Ecuador | 6 | |
Elfenbeinküste | 6 | |
El Salvador | 6 | |
Eritrea | 6 | |
Fidschi | 6 | |
Gabun | 6 | |
Gambia | 6 | |
Ghana | 6 | |
Grenada | 6 | |
Guatemala | 6 | |
Guinea | 6 | |
Guinea-Bissau | 6 | |
Guyana | 6 | |
Haiti | 6 | |
Honduras | 6 | |
Jamaika | 6 | |
Jemen | 6 | |
Kamerun | 6 | |
Kap Verde | 6 | |
Kenia | 6 | |
Kiribati | 6 | |
Kolumbien | 6 | |
Komoren | 6 | |
Kongo | 6 | |
Kuba | 6 | |
Lesotho | 6 | |
Liberia | 6 | |
Madagaskar | 6 | |
Malawi | 6 | |
Mali | 6 | |
Marshall-Inseln | 6 | |
Mauretanien | 6 | |
Mauritius | 6 | |
Mikronesien | 6 | |
Mosambik | 6 | |
Myanmar | 6 | |
Namibia | 6 | |
Nauru | 6 | |
Neuseeland | 6 | |
Nicaragua | 6 | |
Niger | 6 | |
Nigeria | 6 | |
Pakistan | 6 | |
Palau | 6 | |
Panama | 6 | |
Paraguay | 6 | |
Peru | 6 | |
Ruanda | 6 | |
Salomonen | 6 | |
Sambia | 6 | |
Samoa | 6 | |
Senegal | 6 | |
Seyschellen | 6 | |
Sierra Leone | 6 | |
Simbabwe | 6 | |
Somalia | 6 | |
St.Chr.,Nevis | 6 | |
St. Lucia | 6 | |
S.Tome,Principe | 6 | |
St. Vincent | 6 | |
Südafrika | 6 | |
Sudan | 6 | |
Südsudan | 6 | |
Suriname | 6 | |
Swasiland | 6 | |
Tansania | 6 | |
Togo | 6 | |
Tonga | 6 | |
Trinidad, Tobago | 6 | |
Tschad | 6 | |
Tuvalu | 6 | |
Uganda | 6 | |
Uruguay | 6 | |
Vanuatu | 6 | |
Venezuela | 6 | |
Zentralaf. Rep. | 6 |